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				<div class="col-xs-12"><h1>Portfolio</h1></div>
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							<img src="images/site-morganhealth.jpg" alt="Morgan Health site">
						<h3>Morgan Health</h3>
						<p>This site is built using Panini by Zurb. Its a static site generator that uses Handlebars for templating. I was lead developer, and responsible for all aspects of the site.
						<span class="tech">Technologies: Zurb Panini, Node, HTML, SCSS, Javascript</span>
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							<img src="images/site-thequest.jpg" alt="The Quest interactive comic from">
						<h3>The Quest</h3>
						<p>An interactive animated comic from JP Morgan Chase. This site leverages Greensock animation library and SVG code to create a engaging and responsive experience. I worked extensively on animations, paralax effects and accessibility features.
						<span class="tech">Technologies: Greensock, HTML, SCSS, Javascript</span>
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							<img src="images/site-chaseforbusiness.jpg" alt="Chase for Business">
						<h3>Chase for Business</h3>
						<p> is a large corporate site. Each section is a site in itself. I have had the privilege of contributing to accross the site including the development of an accessible carousel.	Most notable however is the "Chase for Business" education section. A series of interactive lessons for small business owners to grow their businesses.	These activities are all built in React.js and are fully responsive.
							<span class="tech">Technologies: React.js, HTML, SCSS, Javascript, AEM, Java</span>
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							<img src="images/site-entenmanns.jpg" alt="Entenmann's donuts and snacks site">
						<p>This is another product-based manufacturer website. This time with a complex product category system.  On this project I was responsible for front end development, content organization and entry, quality assurance, cross-browser compatability and Drupal admin optimization.
						<span class="tech">Technologies: Drupal, PHP, Bootstrap, HTML, SCSS, Javascript</span></p>
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							<img src="images/site-therustikoven.jpg" alt="The Rustik Oven bread site">
						<h3>The Rustik Oven</h3>
						<p>This is a database driven, responsive manufacturer website. This site was designed for the client to manage content, such as products and recipes. I was responsible for all front end development, Drupal theming, animations, initial content organization and content population.
						<span class="tech">Technologies: Drupal, PHP, HTML, SCSS, Javascript</span>
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							<img src="images/site-thomas.jpg" alt="Thomas Breads site">
						<h3>Thomas Breads</h3>
						<p>This famous english muffin brand needed a site that could showcase many products and recipes along with a robust product finder. I worked on all aspects of drupal theming.
						<span class="tech">Technologies: Drupal, PHP, HTML, SCSS, Javascript</span>
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							<img src="images/site-lendersbagels.jpg" alt="Lender's Bagels site">
						<h3>Lender's Bagels</h3>
						<p>This famous english muffin brand needed a site that could showcase many products and recipes along with a robust product finder. I worked on all aspects of drupal theming.
						<span class="tech">Technologies: Drupal, PHP, HTML, SCSS, Javascript</span>
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							<img src="images/site-marinela.jpg" alt="Marinela USA snackfood site">
						<h3>Marinela USA</h3>
						<p>Our clients had very specific needs for this project. Such as: a highly stylized full width layout, different branding for every product, bilingual content, moderated social streams, and a tight deadline. I was responsible for all front end development, Drupal theming and asset management.
						<span class="tech">Technologies: Drupal, PHP,, HTML, CSS, Javascript</span>
						<span class="btn btn-default">Visit this site</span>
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				<div class="col-xs-12"><h2>Philosophy</h2></div>
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					<p>Growing up in my father&#39;s woodworking shop I learned the importance of quality and strive to instill that same principle into my applications. The beauty of a finely crafted object is in the way it achieves its purpose; the beauty of a well-designed website starts with the code. A website&#39;s underlying logic should articulate what is being represented visually in the most concise manner possible. What lies beneath is just as important as what is on the surface.</p>
					<h4>Mobile, ADA, UX, Clean coding</h4>
					<p>Everything I code considers a wide audience. Code should be accessible to fellow developers. Ease of use is an accessibility concern for all users. Mobile devices should be a primary platform, not an afterthought. Coding with consideration for individuals with motor and visual impairments is essential.</p>
					<p>Being a creator is a gift. I help to create the hidden art that makes up our daily lives.  Moments of happiness that people experience when interacting with a great UI design add up. However small, our choices matter.</p>
					<p>One of the things I love about this industry is that our most innovative pioneers share their work openly. Our best web development technology was created by the open source community for the benefit of everyone. Contributing to the community is an important and rewarding part of being a developer.</p>
					<p>In summary; be considerate of others, be passionate about your work, and make every project better than the last!</p>
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